Diving into the captivating saga of world population from 1970 to 2010, I uncovered tales as riveting as any epic. The numbers spoke volumes, prompting me to transform data into an Excel charts as well as an interactive chart using a Dash app. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of insights waiting on this webpage. It’s not just a chart; it’s a visual adventure, promising more excitement than your favorite blockbuster. Ready for a ride through the twists of global demographics? Join me on this thrilling expedition!
I worked in Excel (visual 1) and Visual Studio Code, using Jupiter Notebook (visual 2). To make my project I used:
Dash app
pie, column and bar charts with filter options
I adapted pythonanywhere.com to add Dash app onto my website. Data set is from kaggle.com. In this Dataset, I found Historical Population data for every Country/Territory in the world by different parameters like Area Size of the Country/Territory, Name of the Continent, Density, etc. Wanna explore my code? Click here