In this passion-fueled project, I’m decoding the universe of board games. Imagine Sherlock Holmes meets tabletop wizardry! My goal? To extract golden nuggets of insight, fuel my curiosity, and, in the future, sprinkle in some web-scraping magic for real-time updates. This isn’t just about games; it’s a dynamic space for enthusiasts and industry buffs. Brace yourself for the board game revolution!
I worked in Visual Studio Code, using Python. To make my project I used:
Data set is from It was retrieved from – website with all information about board games that were made, their rating, category and many more.
First chart is showing Top 20 best-ranked games by BGG website. From this analysis we see that the most games that made it to „Best 20” were made in 2017 – 40%. Only 30% of games scored 9.0 or higher. That might tell us that the board game industry is improving. The prediction we might make would be that games made after 2018 will also be included in this ranking and maybe rated even higher that previous ones.
chart #2
Second chart shows number of board games made each year. From that view, we see that until 2016 inclusive, game production had an upward trend. From 2000 to 2016 manufacturing increased by 449%. In my further analysis, in some time, I will compare this data to production of games after 2017. My prediction is that the popularity of board games keeps growing, so probably now more than 500 games are made each year.
chart #3
Third chart is showing us how much games were made in each category. I am showing categories than have more than 200 games made which are 23.5% of all categories. The important thing here is to acknowledge that one game can have few different categories. The most popular type of games are card games – we can see that the amount 53.67% than the second category (WarGame). Moreover, from all of 20 categories shown, 30% have more than 400 games made. Now there are 85 categories and I am wondering if it would be possible to narrow them down in the future.